Sustainability: A LEED Case Study

Sustainability: A LEED Case Study

Haas Innovations Center is the first LEED Gold Certified building in the City of Yakima and acts as a resource, road map, and icon for other high efficiency developments in the area. It marks what many see as a growing trend toward the design of high performance buildings that not only leave light footprints on the environment, but also offer significant operational cost savings over the life of the building.

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Master Planning

Master Planning

The goal of facility or campus master planning is to create a roadmap for future development that aligns with the strategic goals of the organization.

Read about the process and value
Improving Team Communication

Improving Team Communication

Clinics are shifting toward a more collaborative and integrated approach to caregiving: the Patient-Centered Medical Home.  As a result, many providers are asking us for help navigating the different design approaches and options. This paper introduces three different design schemes that are used to bring teams together and improve communication.

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Selected Work

Our long history has allowed us to work in a wide range of project types. The following list of selected projects illustrate that range and provide a glimpse into our experience.  No matter the building type, we work closely with our client’s to make sure that we understand who they are and then develop solutions that express their character.

(*indicates pro bono project)

‘Ohana Mammography Clinic

3800 Building Office Expansion

40th Avenue Medical Office

A&B Plastics New Facility

Camp Primetime

Carondelet Psych Center

Central Washington Hospital Ephrata Clinic

Central Washington Hospital Lab

Clarke Cabin, Suncadia

Clymer Museum Remodel

Community Health of Central Washington


Coulee Community Hospital

CVCH Addition

CVCH Administration Renovation

CVCH Convenient Care Clinic

CVCH Medical Pods Tenant Improvement

CVCH Pharmacy Relocation

Dessalines Rural Health Project, Haiti *

Dolsen Co. Corporate Office Remodel

Douglas County 19th Street Administration Building

Dr. Boys Smith Eye Clinic

First Presbyterian Church, Yakima

Garden Village Health Care Center

Ghana Hospital *

Grand Meridian Cinema

Great Commandments Ministries Kitchen *

Hilltop Apartments

Hood River Distillers Expansions

Kent Children’s Therapy Center

Kittitas County Hospital District, Cle Elum

Klickitat Valley Hospital

Knox Residence, Suncadia

Labbeemint Testing Lab & Offices

Lake Aspen Apartments

LaSalle High School

Linneweh Residence

Little Hands, Big Hearts Physical Therapy Treehouse, Honduras *

Loftus Ranches Office Building

Lourdes Health ER Addition & Remodel

Mercer Estates Winery

Mid-Valley Hospital

Mount Carmel Hospital

North Valley Hospital

NW Orthopaedics (Richland)

Orthopedics Northwest (Yakima)

Othello Community Hospital

Pangborn Memorial Airport

Plath Office and Guest House

Powerhouse Apartments

Prosser Memorial Hospital

Quincy Valley Hospital Master Plan

Scofield Residence

Sleep Center of Central Washington

Summitview Healthcare Center Remodel for Living Care Retirement Center

Tieton Cider Works Tasting Room

Timeless Residence

Transform Yakima Together Tiny House *

Tri-State Memorial Hospital

Uganda Hope National Children’s Hospital *

Union Gospel Mission Lost Creek Lodge


VMM 15 West Yakima Avenue Office Building

VMM 16th Avenue Clinic/Spine Center

VMM Breast Cancer Detection Center

VMM Cafeteria Expansion

VMM Emergency Department Expansion

VMM Energy Plant Addition

VMM Hospital Labs

VMM Interiors Master Plan


VMM Legacy Hall

VMM Master Plan Site Development Plan & Updates

VMM Nuclear Medicine

VMM Tumor Center

VMM West Pavilion

Walla Walla General Hospital Master Plan

Wallowa County Memorial Hospital

Waterville Courthouse

West Side Baptist Church, Yakima

Yakima Convention Center Plaza

Yakima County Juvenile Justice Center

Yakima Herald Republic

Yakima School District Adams Elementary

Yakima School District Franklin Middle School

Yakima School District Gilbert Elementary

Yakima School District Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary

Yakima School District McClure Elementary

Yakima School District Ridgeview Elementary

Yakima School District Roosevelt Elementary

Yakima School District Washington Middle School

Yakima Tennis Club Clubhouse

Yakima Valley Museum Soda Fountain

Yakima Valley Technical Skills Center, Sunnyside

Yetebon Community Hospital, Ethiopia *

YVCU Administrative Building

YVFWC Behavioral Health Services

YVFWC Hermiston Mirasol Family Health